This Weeks Subject of Debate...
"The foundation of a new season wardrobe starts with shoes"
I firmly believe that it does, most definitely in the Spring. There comes a day, usually in March where, unless there is snow on the ground, lacing up or pulling on a boot feels just a little 'heavy'. The call for something 'lighter' beckons. Whilst the fashion futurists predict a return to formal footwear I am not ready to banish my sneakers just yet but perhaps a 'Siri' slide (with a sock for chillier days) or the 'Sylvi' with a jean for a dinner out. Yes please.
The first of our new shoe edits below. There seems to be no stopping the demand for Esska, I suggest getting in quick. Souraya, an architect turned shoe designer seems to have nailed the comfort but cool heel that we have been hunting for for sometime.